Article: FN 6079 Name: Fossilien-Stufe mit Ammoniten, Seeigel, Schnecken Age: oberste Unterkreide, oberes Albium, Vraconium, approx. 103 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Penzesgyör, Bakony Berge am Balaton See, Ungarn Fossil Measurement: bis 10,5 cm (4.13 inch) Matrix Measurement: 11,0 x 15,5 x 7,5 cm (6.1 x 2.95 inch) Remarks: Very beautiful and now rarely
offered fossil specimen from
the Lower Cretaceous of the
famous Penzesgyör site in
These levels are typical of
their biodiversity! The
following fossils are found
here at this stage:
Pseudoholaster sp.
Zadopygus sp.
Discoides sp.
Turrilites sp.
Scaphites sp.
Stoliczkaia dispar (inner turn
Anisoceras sp.
Mortoniceras sp.
Beudanticeras sp.
Exygura sp.
Spinigeria sp.
Snail indet.
Very nice collector Price: EUR 145.00* Status: reserved |