| Article: FN 6190 Name: Diptera sp. LINNAEUS 1758 (Zweiflügler) Age: Unterkreide, Unteraptium - Barremium, Yixian Formation, approx. 121 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Region Beipiao, Provinz Liaoning-West, China Price: EUR 28.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6189 Name: Pennaeus sp. FABRICIUS 1798 Age: Mitteljura, unteres Callovium, approx. 163 Mio. Years Discovery Site: La-Voulte-sur-Rhone, Depart. Ardeche, France Price: EUR 55.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6188 Name: Ambilobeia kaojoi GERASSIMO & PASSINI 2002 Age: Untertrias, Dinerian, approx. 249 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Ambilobe, Region Diana, Prov. Antsiranana, Madagascar Price: EUR 52.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6187 Name: Centricus heinrichi HECKEL 1850 Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Wiesloch-Frauenweiler, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Price: EUR 69.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6168 Name: Pentacrinites briaroides (QUENSTEDT 1852) Age: Unterjura, unteres Toarcium, Posidonienschiefer-Formation, approx. 183 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Schlierbach, Kreis Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Price: EUR 38.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6141 Name: Tentaculites sp. SCHLOTHEIM 1820 Age: Unterdevon, Pragium, approx. 410 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Chortkiv, Oblast Ternopil, Ukraine Price: EUR 23.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6140 Name: Tentaculites sp. SCHLOTHEIM 1820 Age: Unterdevon, Pragium, approx. 410 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Chortkiv, Oblast Ternopil, Ukraine Price: EUR 27.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6115 Name: Ophiura sp. LAMARCK 1801 Age: Ordovizium, Kataoua Formation, approx. 460 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Region Zagora, Morocco Price: EUR 110.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6114 Name: Ophiura sp. LAMARCK 1801 Age: Ordovizium, Kataoua Formation, approx. 460 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Region Zagora, Morocco Price: EUR 79.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6113 Name: Sostronocrinus sp. (STRIMPLE & McGINNIS 1969) Age: Oberdevon, oberes Famennium, approx. 360 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Baustelle A4 Velbert - Langenhorst, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutsch Price: EUR 89.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6088 Name: Ostracoda indet. LATREILLE 1802 Age: Unterdevon, Pragium, approx. 410 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Ivane-Zolote, Oblast Ternopil, Ukraine Price: EUR 23.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6079 Name: Fossilien-Stufe mit Ammoniten, Seeigel, Schnecken Age: oberste Unterkreide, oberes Albium, Vraconium, approx. 103 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Penzesgyör, Bakony Berge am Balaton See, Ungarn Price: EUR 145.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6077 Name: Trichoptera sp. KIRBY 1813 (Köcherfliege) Age: Unterkreide, Unteraptium - Barremium, Yixian Formation, approx. 121 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Region Beipiao, Provinz Liaoning-West, China Price: EUR 39.50* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6076 Name: Libellula doris HEER 1849 Age: Neogen, oberes Miozän, Messinium, approx. 6 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Santa Vittoria de Alba, Provinz Cuneo, Italien Price: EUR 65.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6075 Name: Ensifera sp. CHOPARD 1920 (Langfühlerschrecke) Age: Unterkreide, Aptium, Santana Formation, approx. 110 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Nova Olinda, Araripe Becken, Cearà, Brasilien Price: EUR 45.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6074 Name: Curculionidae sp. LATREILLE 1802 (Rüsselkäfer) Age: Paläogen, mittleres Eozän, Green River Formation, Parachute Member, approx. 45 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Douglas Pass, Garfield County, Colorado, USA Price: EUR 75.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6015 Name: Libellula doris HEER 1849 Age: Neogen, oberes Miozän, Messinium, approx. 6 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Santa Vittoria de Alba, Provinz Cuneo, Italien Price: EUR 37.50* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5920 Name: Leptolepis bronni AGASSIZ 1833 Age: Unterjura, Toarcium, Posidonienschiefer-Formation, approx. 182 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Cremlingen-Schandelah, Niedersachsen, Germany Price: EUR 55.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5899 Name: Aipichthys velifer WOODWARD 1901 Age: Untere Oberkreide, Cenomanium, Hakel Formation, approx. 100 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Sahal Alma, Haqel, Lebanon Price: EUR 135.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5868 Name: Pinnixa galliheri (RATHBUN 1932) Age: Neogen, Miozän, Monterey Shale Formation, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Carmel Valley, Monterey County, Kalifornien, USA Price: EUR 65.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5733 Name: Crinoide non det. Age: Belèn-Formation, unteres Mitteldevon, Eifelium, approx. 394 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Pisacaviña, Calamarca, Altiplano Hochebene, Bolivien Price: EUR 14.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5732 Name: Crinoide non det. Age: Belèn-Formation, unteres Mitteldevon, Eifelium, approx. 394 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Pisacaviña, Calamarca, Altiplano Hochebene, Bolivien Price: EUR 12.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5716 Name: Encrinus liliiformis (LAMARCK 1801) Age: Mitteltrias, oberer Muschelkalk, Anisium, Trochitenkalk-Formation, approx. 242 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Alverdissen, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany Price: EUR 260.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5519 Name: Dromiopsis rugosa (SCHLOTHEIM 1820) Age: Paläogen, unteres Paleozän, Danium, Faxe-Kalke, approx. 63 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Faxe, Insel Seeland, Dänemark Price: EUR 22.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5033 Name: Knightia eocaena JORDAN 1907 Age: Paläogen, Eozän, Green River Formation, approx. 45 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Kemmerer, Wyoming, USA Price: EUR 220.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |