Fossil Shark Teeths


Haifisch Isurus

Fossil Shark Teeths from all over the worls are listed here in this category.


cf. Araloselachus cuspidatus (AGASSIZ 1843) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6067
Name: cf. Araloselachus cuspidatus (AGASSIZ 1843)
Age: Neogen, unteres Miozän, USM, Aquitanium, approx. 23 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Ulm-Eselsberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Price: EUR 17.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

cf. Araloselachus cuspidatus (AGASSIZ 1843) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6065
Name: cf. Araloselachus cuspidatus (AGASSIZ 1843)
Age: Neogen, unteres Miozän, USM, Aquitanium, approx. 23 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Ulm-Eselsberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Price: EUR 13.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5938
Name: Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838)
Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: ehem. Tongrube Temse-Steendrop, Belgien
Price: EUR 17.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5937
Name: Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838)
Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: ehem. Tongrube Temse-Steendrop, Belgien
Price: EUR 20.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5936
Name: Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838)
Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: ehem. Tongrube Temse-Steendrop, Belgien
Price: EUR 18.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5935
Name: Carcharodon hastalis (AGASSIZ 1838)
Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: ehem. Tongrube Temse-Steendrop, Belgien
Price: EUR 22.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Galecerdo aduncus (AGASSIZ 1843) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5933
Name: Galecerdo aduncus (AGASSIZ 1843)
Age: Neogen, unteres Miozän, obere Meeresmolasse, approx. 17 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Sandgrube am Burren, Hohentengen-Ursendorf, Baden-Würrtemberg, D
Price: EUR 21.00*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Carcharias acutissimus (AGASSIZ 1843) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5932
Name: Carcharias acutissimus (AGASSIZ 1843)
Age: Neogen, unteres Miozän, obere Meeresmolasse, approx. 17 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Sandgrube am Burren, Hohentengen-Ursendorf, Baden-Würrtemberg, D
Price: EUR 8.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Galeocerdo cuvier (PERON & LESUEUR 1822) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5700
Name: Galeocerdo cuvier (PERON & LESUEUR 1822)
Age: Neogen, oberes Pliozän, approx. 2,3 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Joshua Creek, De Soto County, Florida, USA
Price: EUR 21.00*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Hemipristis serra (AGASSIZ 1843) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5628
Name: Hemipristis serra (AGASSIZ 1843)
Age: Neogen, oberes Miozän, Huarra Formation, approx. 5 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Copiapo, Atacama-Wüste, Chile
Price: EUR 37.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.