Fossil Brachiopodes


Spirifer Terebratula

Fossil Brachiopodes are listed in this category.


Cyrtospirifer rudkinensis (LJASCHENKO 1959) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6184
Name: Cyrtospirifer rudkinensis (LJASCHENKO 1959)
Age: Oberdevon, Frasnium, approx. 380 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Woronesch, Oblast Woronesch, Russia
Price: EUR 21.00*

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Cyrtospirifer rudkinensis (LJASCHENKO 1959) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6183
Name: Cyrtospirifer rudkinensis (LJASCHENKO 1959)
Age: Oberdevon, Frasnium, approx. 380 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Woronesch, Oblast Woronesch, Russia
Price: EUR 22.00*
Status: sold

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Composita ambigua (SOWERBY 1822) & Eomarginifera lobata (SOWERBY 1821) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6182
Name: Composita ambigua (SOWERBY 1822) & Eomarginifera lobata (SOWERBY 1821)
Age: Unterkarbon, Viseum, approx. 340 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Kaluga Region, Oblast Kaluga, Russia
Price: EUR 45.00*
Status: reserved

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Reticulatia praeuralensis STEPHANOV 1948 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6181
Name: Reticulatia praeuralensis STEPHANOV 1948
Age: Unterperm, Rotliegendes, approx. 290 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Baschkortostan, S - Ural, Russia
Price: EUR 29.50*
Status: sold

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Reticulatia praeuralensis STEPHANOV 1948 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6180
Name: Reticulatia praeuralensis STEPHANOV 1948
Age: Unterperm, Rotliegendes, approx. 290 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Baschkortostan, S - Ural, Russia
Price: EUR 36.50*

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Sakawairhynchia olenekensis DAGYS 1965 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6179
Name: Sakawairhynchia olenekensis DAGYS 1965
Age: Obertrias, Karnium, approx. 225 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Cape Tsvetkov, östl. Taimyr, Sibirien, Russia
Price: EUR 18.50*

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Aromasithyris almerasi BOULLIER 1971 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6139
Name: Aromasithyris almerasi BOULLIER 1971
Age: Mitteljura, unteres Callovium, approx. 163 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: St. Benoit, NW La Souze sur Sarthe, Depart. Sarthe, France
Price: EUR 6.50*
Status: sold

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Torquirhynchia royeriana (ORBIGNY 1850) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6138
Name: Torquirhynchia royeriana (ORBIGNY 1850)
Age: Mitteljura, mittleres Callovium, approx. 160 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Chemilli östl. Mamers, Depart. Orne, France
Price: EUR 4.50*
Status: sold

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Sphaeroidothyris globisphaeroidalis (BUCKMAN 1914) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6137
Name: Sphaeroidothyris globisphaeroidalis (BUCKMAN 1914)
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Bajocium, approx. 169 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Port en Bessin, Depart. Calvados, France
Price: EUR 4.50*

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Ornithella bathonica (ROLLIER 1919) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6136
Name: Ornithella bathonica (ROLLIER 1919)
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Bathonium, approx. 164 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Touffreville, Depart. Calais, France
Price: EUR 5.50*
Status: reserved

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Ornithella bathonica (ROLLIER 1919) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6135
Name: Ornithella bathonica (ROLLIER 1919)
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Bathonium, approx. 164 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Touffreville, Depart. Calais, France
Price: EUR 5.00*
Status: sold

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Loboidothyris latovalis BUCKMAN 1917 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6134
Name: Loboidothyris latovalis BUCKMAN 1917
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Aalenium, approx. 175 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fresney le Puceux, Depart. Calvados, France
Price: EUR 6.00*

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Loboidothyris latovalis BUCKMAN 1917 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6133
Name: Loboidothyris latovalis BUCKMAN 1917
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Aalenium, approx. 175 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fresney le Puceux, Depart. Calvados, France
Price: EUR 6.50*
Status: sold

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Terebratula scillae SEGUENZA 1871 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6073
Name: Terebratula scillae SEGUENZA 1871
Age: Neogen, Pliozän, approx. 2 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Apalia, Provinz Lecce, Italien
Price: EUR 22.50*
Status: sold

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Cyclothyris vespertilio (BROCCHI 1813) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6072
Name: Cyclothyris vespertilio (BROCCHI 1813)
Age: Oberkreide, Santonium, approx. 85 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Villebois-Lavalette, Depart. Charente, France
Price: EUR 11.50*
Status: reserved

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Cheirothyris fleuriausa (ORBIGNY 1850) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6069
Name: Cheirothyris fleuriausa (ORBIGNY 1850)
Age: Oberjura, oberes Oxfordium, approx. 153 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Ile de Re, Depart. Charente Maritime, France
Price: EUR 9.50*
Status: sold

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Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6023
Name: Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927)
Age: Mitteldevon, Eifelium, Siliapprox.Shale Formation, approx. 390 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Lucas County, Ohio, USA
Price: EUR 29.50*
Status: reserved

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Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6022
Name: Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927)
Age: Mitteldevon, Eifelium, Siliapprox.Shale Formation, approx. 390 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Lucas County, Ohio, USA
Price: EUR 27.50*
Status: reserved

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Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6021
Name: Paraspirifer bownockeri (STEWART 1927)
Age: Mitteldevon, Eifelium, Siliapprox.Shale Formation, approx. 390 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Lucas County, Ohio, USA
Price: EUR 29.50*
Status: reserved

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Sphaeroidothyris globisphaeroidalis (BUCKMAN 1914) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5940
Name: Sphaeroidothyris globisphaeroidalis (BUCKMAN 1914)
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Bajocium, approx. 169 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Port en Bessin, Depart. Calvados, France
Price: EUR 5.00*

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Cyrtospirifer verneuili (MURCHISON 1840) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5751
Name: Cyrtospirifer verneuili (MURCHISON 1840)
Age: Oberdevon, Famennium, approx. 364 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Barvaux, Ardennen, Belgien
Price: EUR 10.00*
Status: sold

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Eleutherokomma (Mucrospirifer) diluvianoides (BIERNAT 1966) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5746
Name: Eleutherokomma (Mucrospirifer) diluvianoides (BIERNAT 1966)
Age: Mitteldevon, Eifelium, approx. 395 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Skaly, Gory Swietokryskie (Holy Cross Mountain), Polen
Price: EUR 4.50*
Status: sold

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