Fossil Snails


Conus Turitella

Fossil Snails are listed in this category.


Ampullina sp. (FÈRUSSAC 1822) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6085
Name: Ampullina sp. (FÈRUSSAC 1822)
Age: Paläogen, Eozän, Lutetium, approx. 45 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Ronca bei Verona, Italien
Price: EUR 26.50*
Status: sold

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Tylotrochus subimbricata (ORBIGNY 1850) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6083
Name: Tylotrochus subimbricata (ORBIGNY 1850)
Age: Unterjura, oberes Pliensbachium, approx. 185 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Enger-Pödinghausen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschla
Price: EUR 12.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Velates perversus (GMELIN 1791) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6027
Name: Velates perversus (GMELIN 1791)
Age: Paläogen, unteres Eozän, Ypresium, approx. 50 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Cuise la Motte, Depart. Oise, France
Price: EUR 41.50*
Status: sold

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Mesodontopsis nehringeri SCHLICKUM & STRAUCH 1973 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6026
Name: Mesodontopsis nehringeri SCHLICKUM & STRAUCH 1973
Age: Neogen, oberes Pliozän, approx. 2,3 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: ehem. Braunkohle-Tagebau Frechen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschla
Price: EUR 14.50*
Status: reserved

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Aporrhais pespelicani (LINNAEUS 1758) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6025
Name: Aporrhais pespelicani (LINNAEUS 1758)
Age: Neogen, oberes Pliozän, Piacenzium, approx. 2,5 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Castell Arquato, Provinz Piacenza, Italien
Price: EUR 8.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Clavatula asperulata (LAMARCK 1822), Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5990
Name: Clavatula asperulata (LAMARCK 1822), Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 47.00*
Status: reserved

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Turritella turris badensis SACCO 1895, Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5989
Name: Turritella turris badensis SACCO 1895, Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 39.50*
Status: reserved

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Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879, Turritella turris badensis SACCO 1895 & Muscheln indet. - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5988
Name: Conus (Chelyconus) enzesfeldensis HOERNES & AUINGER 1879, Turritella turris badensis SACCO 1895 & Muscheln indet.
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 29.50*

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Dolium (Cadium) orbiculatum (BROCCHI 1814)  - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5987
Name: Dolium (Cadium) orbiculatum (BROCCHI 1814)
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 19.00*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Athleta ficulina rarispina (LAMARCK 1811) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5986
Name: Athleta ficulina rarispina (LAMARCK 1811)
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 21.50*

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Athleta ficulina rarispina (LAMARCK 1811) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5985
Name: Athleta ficulina rarispina (LAMARCK 1811)
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 20.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Cymatium affine (DESHAYES 1832) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5794
Name: Cymatium affine (DESHAYES 1832)
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 19.50*

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Natica millepunctata hoernesi (FISCHER & TOURNOUER 1873) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5793
Name: Natica millepunctata hoernesi (FISCHER & TOURNOUER 1873)
Age: Neogen, Mittelmiozän, unteres Badenium, Langeniden-Zone, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Weitendorf, Grazer Becken, Steiermark, Österreich
Price: EUR 8.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Turritella (Turritella) gradata MENKE in HÖRNES 1856 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5753
Name: Turritella (Turritella) gradata MENKE in HÖRNES 1856
Age: Neogen, mittleres Miozän, Langhium, Karpatium, approx. 16 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Teiritzberg, Niederösterreich, Österreich
Price: EUR 21.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Omphalosagda subrugulosa (QUIENSTEDT 1867) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5597
Name: Omphalosagda subrugulosa (QUIENSTEDT 1867)
Age: Neogen, unteres Miozän, Burdigalium OMM, Ulm Formation, approx. 18 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Ulm - Eselsberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Price: EUR 17.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Pseudomelania cf. lineata (SOWERBY 1818) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5595
Name: Pseudomelania cf. lineata (SOWERBY 1818)
Age: Mitteljura, oberes Callovium, approx. 158 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Montreuil Bellay, Depart. Maine et Loire, France
Price: EUR 12.00*
Status: reserved

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Potamides tricarinatus cispiacensis (BOUSSAC 1905), Strombus sp., Natica sp. - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5459
Name: Potamides tricarinatus cispiacensis (BOUSSAC 1905), Strombus sp., Natica sp.
Age: Paläogen, mittleres Eozän, Bartonium, approx. 41 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fére-en-Tardenois NW Epernay, Depart. Aisne, France
Price: EUR 27.50*

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Potamides tricarinatus cispiacensis (BOUSSAC 1905) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5458
Name: Potamides tricarinatus cispiacensis (BOUSSAC 1905)
Age: Paläogen, mittleres Eozän, Bartonium, approx. 41 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fére-en-Tardenois NW Epernay, Depart. Aisne, France
Price: EUR 16.50*

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Busycon contrarium (CONRAD 1840) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5410
Name: Busycon contrarium (CONRAD 1840)
Age: Neogen, oberes Pliozän, Pinecrest Beds, approx. 2,5 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: De Soto Pit, südl. Arcadia, De Soto County, Florida, USA
Price: EUR 16.50*
Status: sold

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Cirrus sp.  - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5338
Name: Cirrus sp.
Age: Unterjura, oberes Toarcium, approx. 179 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Taouit Cheikh NE Beni Melal, Bezirk Tadla Azilal, Morocco
Price: EUR 11.00*

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Tudicula rusticula (BASTEROT 1825) mit Bohrloch (Naticidae) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5262
Name: Tudicula rusticula (BASTEROT 1825) mit Bohrloch (Naticidae)
Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Labréde, Depart. Gironde, France
Price: EUR 11.50*

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Melongena corona (GMELIN 1791) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5085
Name: Melongena corona (GMELIN 1791)
Age: Neogen, oberes Pliozän, Pinecrest Beds, approx. 2,3 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: APAC Pit, Fruitville area, Sarasota, Florida, USA
Price: EUR 18.50*

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