| Article: FN 6194 Name: Zelkova zelkovifolia (UNGER 1843) & Daphnogene polymorpha ETTING Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Balzhausen, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 58.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6193 Name: Fruchtstand indet. & Daphnogene polymorpha ETTINGSHAUSEN 1851 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Balzhausen, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 39.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6192 Name: Quercus cruciata BRAUN in BRUCKMANN 1850 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Balzhausen, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 28.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6191 Name: Myrica lignitum (UNGER 1847) & Daphnogene polymorpha ETTINGSHAUSEN 1851 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Balzhausen, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 25.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6167 Name: Daphnogene polymorpha ETTINGSHAUSEN 1851 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Balzhausen, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 26.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6166 Name: Liriodendron haueri ETTINGSHAUSEN 1869 Age: Paläogen, unteres Oligozän, unteres Rupelium, approx. 34 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Roudniky bei Ausig, Czech Republic Price: EUR 10.00* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6165 Name: Carya serrifolia (GOEPPERT) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 24.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6164 Name: Taxodium dubium (STERNBERG 1823), Blütenstand Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 14.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6163 Name: Equisetites arenaceus (JÄGER 1827) Age: Mitteltrias, Ladinium, Unterer Keuper, Lettenkohle, approx. 234 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Schweinfurt, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 19.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6125 Name: Doliostrobus taxiformis KVACEK 1971 Age: Paläogen, Oligozän, Chattium, approx. 28 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Bad Häring, Tirol, Österreich Price: EUR 34.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6124 Name: Doliostrobus taxiformis KVACEK 1971 Age: Paläogen, Oligozän, Chattium, approx. 28 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Bad Häring, Tirol, Österreich Price: EUR 39.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6123 Name: Doliostrobus taxiformis KVACEK 1971 Age: Paläogen, Oligozän, Chattium, approx. 28 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Bad Häring, Tirol, Österreich Price: EUR 27.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6122 Name: Doliostrobus taxiformis KVACEK 1971 Age: Paläogen, Oligozän, Chattium, approx. 28 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Bad Häring, Tirol, Österreich Price: EUR 36.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6110 Name: Berberis berberidifolia HSIAO & WANG 1997 Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 21.50* Status: reserved For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6109 Name: Paliurus tiliifolius (UNGER) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 23.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6108 Name: Comptonia acutiloba BRONGNIART 1828 Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 23.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6106 Name: Alnus julianiformis (STERNBERG 1823), Fruchtkörper Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 21.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6104 Name: Geflügelter Samen einer Craigia bronnii (UNGER) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 18.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6103 Name: Geflügelter Samen einer Craigia bronnii (UNGER) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 21.00* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6102 Name: Comptonia acutiloba BRONGNIART 1828 Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 16.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6101 Name: Carya serrifolia (GOEPPERT) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 23.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6100 Name: Taxodium dubium (STERNBERG 1823) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 11.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 6057 Name: Quercus cf. gigas GOEPPERT 1855 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, unteres Sarmatium, approx. 12 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Erdöbénye nahe Miskolc,Ungarn Price: EUR 29.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5983 Name: Populus balsamoides GOEPPERT in HEER 1856 Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Sarmatium, approx. 13 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Unterwohlbach, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 47.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5982 Name: Fruchtkapsel Acer sp. (geflügelter Samen) + Gleditsia sp. LINNAEUS Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 29.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5981 Name: Fruchtkapsel Acer sp. (geflügelter Samen) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 25.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5978 Name: Quercus rhenana (KRAUSEL & WEYLAND 1950) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 39.50* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5977 Name: Quercus rhenana (KRAUSEL & WEYLAND 1950) Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 35.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5974 Name: Taxodium dubium (STERNBERG 1823), Blütenstand Age: Neogen, Unteres Miozän, Burdigalium, approx. 20 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Tagebau Bilina, Czech Republic Price: EUR 17.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5946 Name: Fruchtkapsel Acer sp. (geflügelter Samen) Age: Neogen, Unteres Oligozän, Rupelium, approx. 30 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Miene Saint Maime, Forcalquier, Alpes de Haute de Provence, Fran Price: EUR 21.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5803 Name: Hemitrapa heissigii GREGOR 1982 (Wassernuss) Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Badenium, approx. 15 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Entrischenbrunn, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 24.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5802 Name: Hemitrapa heissigii GREGOR 1982 (Wassernuss) Age: Neogen, Mittleres Miozän, Badenium, approx. 15 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Entrischenbrunn, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 17.00* Status: For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |
| Article: FN 5730 Name: Podozamites distans (PRESL in STERNBERG 1838) Age: Unterjura, unteres Hettangium, approx. 199 Mio. Years Discovery Site: Pechgraben bei Bayreuth, Bayern, Germany Price: EUR 38.50* Status: sold For more details regarding the specimen click the picture. |