Miscellaneous Trilobites


Eldredgeia venusta Salterolithus carataci

Trilobites from all over the world are listed in this category.


Ogyginus corndensis (MURCHISON 1839) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6195
Name: Ogyginus corndensis (MURCHISON 1839)
Age: Mittelordovizium, Llanvirndium, approx. 465 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales, England
Price: EUR 75.00*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Proasaphiscus rigidus (JEGOROVA & SAVITZKY 1968) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6186
Name: Proasaphiscus rigidus (JEGOROVA & SAVITZKY 1968)
Age: Mittelkambrium, Mayan-Formation, approx. 510 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fluß Anabar, Sibirien, Russia
Price: EUR 95.00*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Ogyginus corndensis (MURCHISON 1839) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6119
Name: Ogyginus corndensis (MURCHISON 1839)
Age: Mittelordovizium, unteres Darriwilium, Llarnvirn,, approx. 470 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Houndred House, Poneys, Wales, England
Price: EUR 34.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961  - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6118
Name: Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961
Age: Unterkambrium, Duyunian Stufe, Balang Formation, approx. 530 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Songtao, Tongren, Provinz Guizhou, China
Price: EUR 26.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961  - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6117
Name: Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961
Age: Unterkambrium, Duyunian Stufe, Balang Formation, approx. 530 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Songtao, Tongren, Provinz Guizhou, China
Price: EUR 24.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

? Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961  - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6116
Name: ? Changaspis elongata LEE in CHIEN 1961
Age: Unterkambrium, Duyunian Stufe, Balang Formation, approx. 530 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Songtao, Tongren, Provinz Guizhou, China
Price: EUR 25.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Hatangia scita EGOROVA & SAVITSKY 1968 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6020
Name: Hatangia scita EGOROVA & SAVITSKY 1968
Age: Mittelkambrium, Hatanga-Formation, approx. 510 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Fluß Lena, Sibirien, Russia
Price: EUR 115.00*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Ductina vietnamica (MAKSIMOVA 1965) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6019
Name: Ductina vietnamica (MAKSIMOVA 1965)
Age: Mitteldevon, Eifelium, approx. 390 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Nandan, Provinz Guangxi, China
Price: EUR 38.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Olenus truncatus (BRÜNNICH 1871) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6018
Name: Olenus truncatus (BRÜNNICH 1871)
Age: unterestes Oberkambrium, Alaunschiefer-Formation, Olenus-Schichten, approx. 505 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Yxhult, Kvarntorp, Örebro Län, Schweden
Price: EUR 39.50*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Nileus armandillo (DALMAN 1827) - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6017
Name: Nileus armandillo (DALMAN 1827)
Age: Unterordovizium, Tremadocium, approx. 490 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Hällekies, Kinnekulle, Västra Götlands Län, Schweden
Price: EUR 25.00*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Illaenus sarsi JAANUSSON 1954 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 6016
Name: Illaenus sarsi JAANUSSON 1954
Age: Unterordovizium, Tremadocium, approx. 490 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Hällekies, Kinnekulle, Västra Götlands Län, Schweden
Price: EUR 28.00*
Status: reserved

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Kettneraspis seiberti BASSE in BASSE & MÜLLER 2004 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5896
Name: Kettneraspis seiberti BASSE in BASSE & MÜLLER 2004
Age: oberes Unterdevon, Oberemsium, Rupbach-Schichten, approx. 395 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Stb.Heckelmann-Mühle, Steinsberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Price: EUR 69.00*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Acastoides poschmanni BASSE & MÜLLER, 2016 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5894
Name: Acastoides poschmanni BASSE & MÜLLER, 2016
Age: oberes Unterdevon, Oberemsium, Rupbach-Schichten, approx. 395 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Stb.Heckelmann-Mühle, Steinsberg, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Price: EUR 49.50*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.