Fossils from Solnhofen - Ammonites


Neocetoceras Neocetoceras

The ammonites of the solnhofen limestone deposits are the most common fossils from the Chephalopoda family. Belemnites, cuttlefishes and nautiluses also belong to this family, but those are not listed here. The most common ammonites are Neochetoceras sp. and Suplanites sp.. It is interesting that sometimes those ammonites where found with the so called Aptychus. The Aptychus is, according to different scientists, either a part of the mandible (jaw) or a cover lid.


Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5605
Name: Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 26.00*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5604
Name: Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 20.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Lingulaticeras solenoides QUENSTEDT 1849 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5603
Name: Lingulaticeras solenoides QUENSTEDT 1849
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 10.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Lingulaticeras solenoides QUENSTEDT 1849 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5602
Name: Lingulaticeras solenoides QUENSTEDT 1849
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 10.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5504
Name: Subplanites rueppelianum QUENSTEDT 1888
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 25.00*
Status: sold

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.

Taramelliceras (Fontanesiella) prolithographicum FONTANNES 1879 - Bild © FossNet FossilienStore

Article: FN 5501
Name: Taramelliceras (Fontanesiella) prolithographicum FONTANNES 1879
Age: Oberjura, Tithonium, Solnhofen-Formation, approx. 146 Mio. Years
Discovery Site: Eichstätt, Bayern, Germany
Price: EUR 15.50*

For more details regarding the specimen click the picture.